I confess that, although I sing the praise of XWINPLOT's virtues to new users, which the software does deserve, after I started using the window dump feature of Topspin for a Q&D (i.e. quick and dirty) hard copy output, I find XWINPLOT to be a bit heavy.
I was getting a 'null attribute' error when I tried to dump the active window using ctrl+P and Brukerland asked me to check if I defined the default printer correctly. Yes I did, indeed, but to no avail.
What worked finally was this.
- Install the latest jre i.e. jre-1.6.0-sun, to be precise, at the time of writing.
- Soft link the same i.e. /usr/bin/java, again to be precise, to /opt/topspin/jre/bin/
- Hold it ! Before you go gung-ho, backup the java binary under the topspin tree to something recognizable like java.original and then do the above. Sure, I did not do this the first time around. The soft link did not fire up TS and I realized too late that the orignal java binary is gone. I had to reinstall TS because of this. Although this is only a precaution, you can save the effort of finding the TS DVD and installing it, in case something goes wrong. See next bullet.
- By the way, don't be over-zealous and go and link up the binary of the installed jre, which resides as : /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.6.0-sun/bin/java. (Obviously, I tried this and screwed things up). If you query for whereis java, you get the answer as : /usr/bin/java. Although /usr/bin/java is a link to another symlink that eventually points to the binary, you simply link /usr/bin/java to $TSHOME/jre/bin/
- Everything should work fine after this. I am able to do a screen dump without issues.